OK so for my
OS I've decided on XBMCbuntu Eden. The guys at XBMC have put an awful
lot of work into this and it has accomplished something brilliant and we should
use it! (it has overcome lots of specific issues I faced previously most importantly to me it has sorted out the sound codecs being sent to the AV Amp, really really important)
The guide below is exactly as in the
link above and i thank the community for the guide (all I've done is tweaked a bit from my experience)
What you'll need
A USB thumbdrive
Set up
Prepare the thumbdrive by formatting it as a FAT32 device.
Run the UNetBootin program and select the ‘Disk Image’ radio button.
Then click the button at the end of the row to locate your ISO image file.
Select the USB thumbdrive as target device to ‘burn’ the image to.
Click the ‘OK’ button and wait until the image has been written to the
USB drive.
You now
have a bootable USB memory stick ready to install XBMC Live.
Go into the BIOS of the system you'll be installing and change the boot
options so that it boots first from the USB drive.
Insert the USB drive into one of your machine's USB ports and boot it
up. You should see a GRUB boot loader screen, with ‘UNetBootin’ at the top.
Select the option to install XBMCbuntu fixed DPI installation (120 x 120).
Once the installation starts, answer the questions for country,
language, keyboard type, etc.
You may see a red screen informing you that the installer was unable to
detect any network. Just select the ‘continue’ option for now, you can fix this
Next you will
see the setup screens for which drive/partition to install to. Select your
preference and continue. Wait for the installer to complete installation and
answer any questions that may be prompted.
When the
installation finishes, you will be prompted to remove the USB drive and reboot
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